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TinyBoss Blog News Update | Let's Get Healthy!

We talk a good deal about wealth and mindset in our blog posts. But did you know that your health is also your wealth?

Which is why we are proud to announce a new blog series dedicated to all things health and wellness: THE HEALTH CAFE!

This series focuses on wholistic, sustainable and natural ways we can all educate and inform ourselves of the best health and wellness practices out there. From looking at traditional East Asian remedies to recommended exercises for different targeted goals, our aim is to engage with YOU!

We may not have any online fitness classes. But we do have some people - including experts and practitioners we know - who can recommend the best, healthy, and wholistic approaches to living a healthy lifestyle. And, let's all admit it: We want that incredible beach body this summer!

To kickstart this series, our first post will be about the benefits of spices in the morning. Now, we encourage you to consult with a doctor or a physician before trying out these recipes or practicing these exercises. All we are doing is sharing our collective experiences with you, in the hopes of helping you do make smart and healthy lifestyle choices.

Our first post will be up on Wednesday, 5PM EST. Be sure to pop back in here and check it out.

Until then, this is TinyBoss Signing off!

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